How do I register for KokoroCon 2025?
Ticket registration opens on Friday 31st May at 12pm via our website. You will need to have an account on the website to register. Tickets are limited to one at a time, but you may buy multiple tickets on the same account.
How much is KokoroCon 2025?
Standard tickets are £72, standard tickets with a t-shirt are £90 and VIP tickets are £115, with an additional admin fee. Please note VIP tickets are limited.
What is in a VIP ticket?
The VIP tickets includes entry to the convention, a KokoroCon 2025 t-shirt, a hardback conbook, VIP conbadge with exclusive art, KokoroCon pin badge, lanyard and tote bag. VIPs will be able to access the Dealers room early before other attendees as well.
What do I need to bring to register at the event?
All attendees need to bring their government approved photo ID to verify that they are over 18. The details on your ID must match those on your ticket or you will not be permitted entry to the convention.
What forms of ID are acceptable?
We accept passports, driving licenses, military ID, national ID cards and cards bearing a PASS hologram. All ID must have a photo, a signature and date of birth shown and must be in date. Please be aware that the name on your ID must match the name on the registration. If you are unsure if your ID would be accepted, please email our Head of Registrations (registrations@kokorocon.co.uk).
What if I do not have any form of ID?
Unfortunately without any photo ID we cannot allow entry, however, you can apply for a Citizen card HERE.
What do I need a conbadge for?
The conbadge is proof that you’re an attendee at this event – without it you will not be able to access any of the convention areas aside from registration. It also has important emergency information on the back of it, so keep it on you at all times!
I need a refund, what do I do?
Please email registrations@kokorocon.co.uk with your ticket details. Please note that KokoroCon can only refund you for your ticket – for refunds regarding accommodation, you will have to speak to your accommodation provider directly (e.g. The Crowne Plaza hotel). Their refund policies may differ from ours.
Refund policy
A £3.00 admin charge will be issued for all refunds. If you wish to transfer your ticket to someone else instead, there will be a £5 admin charge to do so.
Once within a year of the event, partial refunds will be issued depending on how close to the event it is requested.
6 - 12 months before the event - 80% refund. (This will be 1 June 2024 – 31st October 2024)
1-5 months before the event – 50% refund. (This will be 1st November 2024 – 18th March 2025)
We will be unable to process refunds after 19th March 2025.
I would like to transfer my ticket, what do I do?
You can request for your ticket to be transferred to someone else by contacting our Head of Registrations at registrations@kokorocon.co.uk with your full name and ticket number. All transfers need to be done this way to ensure details are correct on our system and that ID can be verified at registration. Simply handing your ticket to someone else will result in them being denied entry. All transfers incur a £5 administrative fee which can be paid via PayPal or direct debit. We will be unable to process any transfers after 31st March 2025.
I would like to amend my ticket information, what do I do?
Please note that this will incur a £5 service fee. If you would like to change the name on your ticket (due to a legal name change), please email registrations@kokorocon.co.uk with your ticket number and the full name the ticket was booked under. We will be able to change badge names up until Monday 10th February 2025.
Carers Ticket information
If you have a registered carer or you are the carer for an attendee, you can request a carer's ticket. This will be needed for a carer to access KokoroCon. To request a carer's ticket please contact us (registrations@kokorocon.co.uk) along with evidence of the carer's status. We accept all evidence listed on the Carers First website.
Please ensure that this is dated from within the last 12 months. A carer will also need valid photo ID proving they are over 18 at the time of the convention. You will need a ticket for KokoroCon 2025 in order to be able to register for a carer's ticket.
Please note that if you request a refund for your full ticket, we will also cancel the related carers ticket.
If you would like to upgrade a carer's ticket to a VIP ticket you will be required to pay the difference between a standard ticket and a VIP ticket (£43).
I have more questions about registrations or payments.
Contact us via registrations@kokorocon.co.uk and our Head of Registrations will be in contact shortly.